Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hey, it's just parinoia, isn't it?

As the election kicks into overdrive in it's final days, we are being treated to attack ads, fiery stump speeches and, depending which network you are watching, an unvarnished politically biased coverage for one candidate or the other. Whether it is Sarah Palin's expensive wardrobe or Obama's "Muslim" heritage or, there is enough political hyperbole on display this election cycle to keep our national blood pressure in the danger zone for the next decade. Political grandstanding aside, there are some issues that need to be brought out into the light, sooner than later. The number one issue is character and the candidates desire to uphold the Constitution. To question Barack Obama's character and his associations with those in our country who apparently do not cherish American way of life has apparently become taboo and earns the curious the label of racist, right wing conspiracy nut job or both.

My parents taught me that you are judged by the company you keep and it appears to me that this may be a good place to start looking at Barrack’s fitness to lead the greatest country in the world. Be it his apparent connections to ACORN, the Reverend Wright or Minister Louis Farrakhan, Obama has left us with a number of reasons to question his character.
In one of my earlier blog posts, Troubled Sleep , I explored the troubling Satanic text of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" (the Bible of Community Organizers) and the fact that Obama used the teachings of this deranged man to build his "career of service" upon. Earlier this year we were treated to the video of his Pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright, damning America during one of his "sermons". We have heard how he made alliances with the sleazy Chicago political machine which is famous for raising the dead to vote in elections, his connections with ACORN which apparently is attempting to spread the Chicago style of politics across the nation and his personal friendships with the likes of the leader of the Nation of Islam. Is it no wonder that the man has raised the ire of his political adversaries.

All of these points are reason enough, for me, to say that I don't trust the man. He is either lying to the Nation about his true convictions or he has some serious problems when it comes to choosing his friends. But there is one friend that puts the rest of these Yahoos to shame, William Ayers. This is a man who has tried, as founder of the 1970's terrorist orginization the Weather Underground, to overthrow the United States of America and replace it with Anarchy and socialism. This man lives in the same neighborhood as Barrack (and Minister Farrakhan) and was one of the first people in Chicago to befriend Barrack and help him establish his burgeoning political career. As the news of his former alliance with this renowned terrorist began to leak out, we were told that there was no connection between Ayers former terroristic ways and his alliance with Barrack. After all, Barrack was only 8 years old when the Weather Underground was going around blowing up stuff. But if you read the Ruels for Radicals, listen to the sermons of the Reverend Wright and Minister Farrakhan or read the reports of voter fraud being thrust upon our Nation right now by members of ACORN, it is not a far stretch of the imagination to believe that Obama and Ayers relationship may have undertones that run a little deeper than we are being led to believe.

I came across this video clip of the 1982 documentary "No Place To Hide" about the Weather Underground and their plot to overthrow the US Government and replace it with a socialistic, no, a communist regime. This clip is of an interview with Larry Grathwohl, an FBI informant who had infiltrated the movement and was in a unique position to learn of their diabolical plans for our way of life.

Call me a right wing nut job, but I think that befriending a terrorist who had made plans to exterminate 25 million Americans warrants a red flag. I tend to think that displaying treasonous tendencies is a fairly good reason to stay away from a man, not to mention accepting his help establishing my political career as a fund raiser. Now it seems that we are being told not to look at the man behind the curtain. We are told that this is the Messiah and that we should all bow and worship at his benevolent feet as he helps us "share the wealth".

Well, my friends, I smell a rat and I am afraid that we will all come to regret ever letting this man into our House on Pennsylvania Avenue. While I won't even try to hide my disdain for John McCain, I have no doubt that he is a true patriot and would fight to his last drop of blood dripped from his veins to protect the American way of life that our forefathers died for. I wish, with every fiber in my body, that I held the same convictions about Barrack Obama, but my instincts tell me that it is really time to start praying... and that's my 2 pennies.

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