Saturday, October 4, 2008

Great Rock N Roll And A Hot Cup Of Joe

Tonight, well, last night as I am writing this, my son’s band, Planning Yesterday, played an exciting concert at Seekers Coffee House in Hurst. These guys are, without a doubt, my favorite new band, even without my obvious bias as the father of the drummer. Over the past 18 months, I have watched these four young men gel together to become a monster Rock N Roll machine. Sure, they are a “Christian Rock” band, but they have not been cast in the mold of the typical grab some no-doze, oh no, it’s another KLTY sleeper band… these boys absolutely KICK TAIL!!! They can give any 70’s or 80’s hard rock band a good run for their money. Their energy level is right up there with the likes of Van Halen or Aerosmith.

Right now they are finishing up their very first 4 song EP, which will hopefully be out before the beginning of the year, and they are ready to start the job of attracting a record label to pick them up and cut their first Album. It is extremely exciting to watch an up and coming band begin their climb and to know that your child has a major part of that process.

My son, Cody, has had the desire to be in a “real” rock band for several years now and has made personal sacrifices to ensure that when lightning strikes that he is positioned to jump on and take the ride. I am so proud of his commitment, not only to his walk as a Christian man, but also to his love of playing music. To watch him on stage, playing his heart out, is one of the most gratifying moments that I get to have as a father.

The thought of them hitting the “Big Time” and being able to go full time is both exciting and a little bit scary. However, I know that they have their priorities straight and their heads on right so I have no doubt at all that they will be able to do what they have been called to do, honor God, while they rock as many peoples faces off as they can.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to listen to their music or catch them in concert, you owe it to yourself to visit their MySpace page at to check them out. They play a lot of free concerts throughout the Metroplex so be sure to catch one, it won’t cost you anything but your time and I can guarantee that you will have a great time in the process, or I will make sure you get your money back… and that’s my two pennies.

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