January 1, 2013

So, here we are in 2013, I sure am hoping that it is not as big of a dud as 2012 was for me. I spent most of 2012 fighting the Social Security Administration over an accounting error on their part that caused them to garnish my benefits starting in December of 2011 and lasting until August of 2012. It was a nightmare to say the least, but at last, someone with half a brain looked at my argument and saw that they were in the wrong and actually owed me money that they had overlooked. Needless to say, I was extremely relieved with the outcome, but (there is always a but) by the time that the money was deposited in my bank account, I was in the dreaded Medicare Part D "Doughnut Hole” which meant that I had to pay full price for all my medications for the remainder of the year so there went a majority of my hard earned spoils from my victory over pin-headed bureaucrats. I am so thankful that God answers prayer, because I did not know how I was going to make it through the end of the year without my much needed medications. But He provided a way, just as He always said He would!

2012 was rather trying for me on another level than just my financial trial; I had a hard time squaring away the 2012 Presidential elections in my own heart and mind. I am first and foremost a true believer in Jesus Christ and do my very best to cast my cares on Him, but (did I mention that there is always a but?) I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the Nation that I love is being led by people who seem to have the goal to destroy everything that our Founding Fathers built and that our Patriots died for trying to defend it through the years.

I have come to the conclusion that we are witnessing the beginning of the times described in Revelations. The United States, I believe, was established through the Hand of Providence and has been blessed to thrive and lead during the turbulent times of the past two and half centuries, for the purpose of standing with the Nation of Israel as they gained a foot hold in their rightful homeland. However, it seems that the time has come for them to stand on their own as the Nations of the World gather at their gates, preparing for the Battle of Armageddon and the coming of the Lord. For the United States to step into the ranks of the nation’s gathering to destroy Israel, she first has to have leadership that is determined to stand against God. When the President announced that we are no longer a Christian Nation, he took the first steps in removing the Hand of God from our National Life. When the members of the Democratic Party removed any mention of God from their platform and then booed as the Chairman of the DNC tried to reinstate God into the platform, the sealed their alliance with the President and proved that they are ready to march lock step into oblivion with him leading the way.

This is, without a doubt, a time that all Believers should be sensing a paradigm shift in the Spiritual health of our Nation. If the hairs on the back of your neck are not stirring, you may need to check out where you are standing spiritually. As we move forward, I believe that we are going to see our Nation crumbling under the weight of the Anti-Christ spirit that is now in control of our once Godly Nation. Right now is the time to make sure that you know where you stand and to prepare yourself to face the trials and tribulations that are on the horizon. I certainly hope that the "Church" will be delivered from the dangers that are on the way, but I think that it is very important that we as Christians are prepared to go all the way until the Trumpet sounds. Wouldn't it be a shame for people who have lived their lives for the Lord to not see the writing on the wall because they believed that they would be delivered out of this world before the Tribulation began? It seems like I have read that even the elect will be deceived in the end times, so I am pleading with you to not be deceived in believing that you are not going to be here to see the big show happen. Like I said, I hope that is not the case, but we need to have our eyes open and our hearts right to stand as all hell is released upon the face of the Earth in the days and years ahead of us.

The future reward of a follower of Jesus Christ is not of this world, it will be collected as we pass through the Gates of Heaven when we hear the words, good and faithful servant pass through our Saviors lips. Until then, we have to rest assured that He will be with us as He was with the three Hebrew Children as they were cast into the furnace in Babylon. He will not forsake us in times of terror and we can find comfort in the fact that even if we die for His cause, we will have won the most valuable prize of all, eternal salvation.

The point of this post is not to scare or cast condemnation on anyone who reads it. I am just putting my thoughts into writing so that if any have ears to hear, that they will share my hearts concern about our future that is coming down the road sooner or later.

Well, that's my two pennies, spend them wisely!

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