Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11, 2013

Sad News

Tragedy struck out little town last night, four people lost their lives in a house fire. The details are a little sketchy right now but they are saying it was one adult and three children, ranging from the age of just a few months to eleven years old. My heart goes out to their family and friends who will be touched by this tragedy.

And The Idiot Of The Year Award Goes To...

This paranoia, over guns, that the Nation is in right now really needs to stop! The mass hysteria that has been fueled by the current Administration and their cheer team, the main stream press, is ridiculous to say the least. Case in point: Yesterday, an unarmed man in the DFW area went to his son's school to test their security protocols. He walked up to the greeter at the drop off area in front of the school and said that he had a gun and that his target was inside the school. The greeter, who had no way of stopping him allowed him to pass on by. Once inside he went to the office and informed them of his intentions. The school officials knew the man because he is very involved in volunteering in school projects, so they did not feel that there was a real threat and basically ignored him. They did not call 911 while the incident was happening, nor did they lock down the school as is their protocol in such a situation. Needless to say, the police were informed about the incident and the man was arrested with a charge of making a terroristic threat.

What is really sad about this is that the very dad who cared so deeply about his son's welfare will more than likely spend most of the kid's life sitting in the Grey Bar Hilton. It came out that his actions will cost him his career as a Paramedic with Care Flight, where he spends his time being a hero in so many people's lives. Sometime I just have to sit back and scratch my head as I look at the stupidity that we as a people are capable of.

I know it's early in the year, but I bet that this act will be able to hold it's own as future idiots throw their hats into the ring... it's gonna be a long year!  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to Marty's 2 Pennies!

This is the place where I try to put my thoughts into some sort of form that the reader can understand. There are a lot of political issues that I feel are necessary for discussion, but this is not a "Political" blog. There are many religious topics that catch my attention that I want to share with the world, but this is not a "Religion" blog. There are times that I will write about other topics like working in my garden, or cooking or maybe even home repair, but this is not a "Home Making" blog. This blog is about my thoughts on all of these and many other issues and thoughts that I feel the need to put my two cents into the mix. I am sure that there will be many times that I ramble on and on, but I certainly hope that whatever I write will be thought provoking and entertaining. So, I welcome you to my little slice of madness and hope that you enjoy it.

Below, you will find a bunch of blogs that I have written over the years. You will also notice on the right hand side of the page, a listing that contains all of my pages in chronological order. I hope that you are able to have smooth sailing as you cruise my pages!