Monday, March 16, 2009

Pirates of the Potomac

It has been a very long time since I have sat down to share my thoughts here on the 2 Pennies, but there have been some good reasons. Number one: DEPRESSION! Since the day after the inauguration, I have been in sort of a denial about where our country is headed. It saddens me deeply to see the truths that our forefathers fought and died for be so carelessly tossed aside as so much garbage. I am afraid that we have lost our moral compass and have settled for change just for change sake.

The following is a brief narrative on my feelings. I encourage you to share your thoughts about mine with with me, maybe you can show me where the "Hope" really lies in this current venture that we have embarked on.


Monday, March 16, 2009

by: Marty Renfro

The Armada has been gathering in the depths of the Chesapeake Bay for several months now, as battle plans are being draw up for the big assault. The crews are battle proven and more than ready to begin storming the beach, but as always in the throws of battle, a preliminary bombardment of the defenses is necessary to soften the will of the defenders until it is seen advantageous to send in the first waves of pirates to begin the looting and pillaging.

The winds of change began blowing a few years back, as the crusty old sea dogs began smelling a little blood in the water. Captain "Nasty" Nancy took control of the House of Representatives, putting Congress under the control of a woman and a left coast liberal to boot, for the first time in history. The woman part is not what makes her nasty, no, it is the left coast liberalism that smells like opening a barrel of fish that have been allowed to sit dockside a couple of months too long. Her trusty Henchmen, "Flaming" Barney Franks and "Devious" Dennis Stroyer, have been busy twisting arms pushing through legislation that would be sure to weaken the foundations that the unassuming public were jumping up and down on screaming, "what about me?"

Meanwhile, in the Senate, "Terrible, one more for the road" Teddy and "Dingy Harry" Reid were busy undermining the credibility of the Republican Party by conning them into supporting their agenda in the name of "Precious Unity".

All the while, we were being commanded by a man who allowed himself to be painted as a halfwit by the "Main Stream" media at every turn. Although he had some good programs to offer and intentions that were upstanding and moral, he lacked the intestinal fire to take a stand and force the rabid dogs biting at his heals to back down. I was a definite supporter of our President and his policies (for the most part) but was left perplexed by his inability to stand up against those who would cast the biggest stones at him. Maybe, he would have been more apt to take a stand if he could have had confidence that he was not standing alone on his end of Pennsylvania Avenue. But alone he was. Members of his own party had turned their backs on his authority to govern, by supporting ream after ream of opposition legislation and by lining their political nests with pork fat from the projects earmarked for their districts. And to top it all off, the Party of Lincoln bent over backwards to run a candidate who spent so much time in the beds of the members from across the aisle, that he was seriously considering a party jump during the last election cycle just to get elected.

Which leads us where we are now, watching our tax dollars and possibly our personal freedom being tossed out the window like yesterdays bathwater. The American public had grown weary of the political theatre that was played out daily on their television screens. So much that they chose the team that seemed to be ready to make a change in the way the game was being played. However, one important ingredient was missing, a clear definition on what change actually is.

Couple this lack confidence in our government with the lackluster performance of a politician who is out of step with the core principles of the Republican Party and you had the prefect recipe for "Change". Add to that a charismatic speaker and a media complex dead set on driving the American political experience and it is not a far fetched notion to expect the degradation of the American Experiment to the point that it just becomes another lackluster ingredient in the septic stew that has become the Global Community.

The Pirates have been very busy during their hiatus from power over the past decade. They have been laying the groundwork for a total overhaul of the Constitutional American system of
life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness and are ready to replace it with culture of death, bondage to bureaucrats and the pursuit of catering to the whims of the political elite.

Arrgh, we Americans have demanded "Change", I'm just afraid that we are about to get it...but that's just my 2 pennies.

Stay tuned for my ideas for a revival of sanity in the USA.

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