We Survived the Cliff!... Or Did We?

Well friends, it appears that we have narrowly avoided falling off the cliff! I am so proud of our boys and girls in DC who saw fit to raise taxes on the evil "rich" people in this country. How dare they get to have all that money while there are so many in this nation who could put it to a better use! How dare they invest all that money into building infrastructures to put people to work! We don't want work, we want Obama Money and Free Phones! We want them NOW!
Do you get the feeling that we are being pushed over the cliff by a bunch of water heads in DC? This deal is bad, it does not address our financial troubles at all. There was no "compromise" in this deal, Obama's idea of compromise consists of you compromise your morals and values and do it my way, else I am going to call you a bunch of bad names and turn the whole country against you. This compromise does very little in addressing the National debt and reports are beginning to leak out that this deal may actually increase spending to levels that are more than this tax hike is going to bring into coffers.
I am afraid that our President has no clue about how to save us from sinking and being marooned on a deserted island with only bananas & coconuts to sustain us as we become financial castaways. He seems to have an eerie resemblance to a skinny little fellow that used to make us laugh such a long time ago. The only problem is that Gilligan was a sweet, kind hearted kid who wanted nothing more than to help his fellow castaways find their way home, but always managed to bungle the plans to get off the island. The Goober in Chief that sits in the White House (or on the golf couse) shares absolutely none of Gilligan's charm or his sweet characteristics, except one... he's pretty good at bungling the attempts of getting us off this island of debt.
We will have to wait and see how bad this move really is and how many business owners close up shop or move their business off shore into more friendly waters. You cannot tax your way to prosperity, it has never worked, never! We don't have a tax problem, people, we have a spending problem! These lame brains have no clue as to what drives an economy. If they would just simplify the tax code and make it fair across the board and get rid of all the unnecessary programs and pork that has become the politician's mother's milk, we may be able to bounce back from the abyss. But no, our Dear Leader has taken it upon himself to push his agenda through any way he can and we have a bunch of weak kneed CONgress critters who flinched and let him have his way with our economy. Maybe they felt obligated to roll over, since the Dear Leader threw them a bone and gave them a pay raise.  
Friends, we are in deep doo doo and we are sinking fast. What are you doing to prepare yourself for the hard times that we are about to experience when the poop hits the fan? I think that it is time to be preparing for the worst as we hope for the best.
And that's my 2 pennies!
L8er T8er!

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