Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back in the saddle again! or Hey Big 0, where is my stimulus package?

Here I am, hot wired into the Internet once again! We got our DSL up and running, once again, and all is right with the world. All except annoying little things, like pirates jumping ships in the Indian Ocean and our apparent inability to do anything about it. Or, maybe, the fact that tax time is upon us and we have to pay for these morons in DC to screw up our nation even more.

I am personally miffed about tax time this year. Our son is working a construction job where he is considered contract labor, so no money is held out of his check to cover taxes and such. We have known that he needed to hold back money to cover his tail, but alas, he did not and now the wolf is knocking at the door. What really stinks about the whole matter is the fact that if you are a contract laborer, you are required to file as self employed. This means that you are responsible for paying the bill that most business' are required to cover for their employees, like FICA and Medicare. Wow, they really sock it to ya, to say the least. Normal people who work normal jobs pay somewhere around 7% of their income for these taxes. The poor schmoes who decide to go at it on their own are doomed to paying around 15%. That is a lot of freaking dough!

Now this is where the rub really comes in. We have been shown, over the past few months, that if you are a mega corporation with billions of dollars to blow, you can mismanage your investors money and get a nifty stimulus package bailout from our new friend Barry O. While, us poor peons down here in the real world, where you wonder where the next scrap of bread is coming from, are stuck counting pennies to pay the bill to feed the pigs. Do I sound a little jaded? Good, that was the color I was working on.

But hey, we got our DSL going, so that's a good thing and that's my 2 pennies!