Wednesday, September 24, 2008

25 Years In The Making

In 1983, two very young 17 year old kids decided that they loved each other so much that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Their life together was not so easy, but they managed to fill it with love and happiness. They always knew that they had each other and that nothing would ever change that. They managed to raise two wonderful sons and have enjoyed watching them grow into fine young men. Although theirs was never a life of financial success, they considered themselves to be the richest people on earth because they had each other, and that was always more than enough to sustain them.

Today marks the 25th year we have spent together as husband and wife and I am just as excited today about my bride as I was in 1983. Joyce has been my very best friend, whom I can tell my deepest secrets to. She has always stood by my side and has helped to carry me through the rough times that I have had to suffer through. She does not demand anything of me and is so free when it comes to showering me with her love.

I was taught many years ago that when God was creating the Universe, He finished His work in 6 days. He created every mountain, tree and every human spirit that would inhabit a body in the future. During the time before these little spirits took off on their respective assignments, they were all together, in His presence and bonds were made with each other. I am absolutly sure, without a doubt that Joyce and I were destined, from the beginning of time, to be together for eternity. The draw of our spiritual connection was so great that her parents were led to bring her to Texas from New York to be with me. I know it sounds sappy, but our relationship goes so much deeper than any other relationship I have ever been in, this belief resonates deeply within my spirit.

I thank God every day for Joyce, even though I fail miserably to show her how much I appreciate her. I hope that she knows that my love for her goes deeper than my need for breath. I would absolutely lay my life down for her, without reservation. I am so proud that we have not only stay together for the past 25 years but have managed to become more as one in the process. I look forward to our journey as we start the next 25 years.

Joyce, I love you so much… and that’s my 2 pennies!

1 comment:

n8 said...

WOW! Congrats on 25 years. I think modern society could learn a lot for yours and Joyce's example.