Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As the party, “officially” in charge of defending women’s rights, falls all over itself trying to dig up every grain of dirt it can to hurl at John McCain’s Vice Presidential Running Mate, they show their true colors. They are not in the least bit interested in the rights of the American woman, they are only interested in pandering to the hopes and aspirations of an extremely large voting block.

Baby Gate:

The amount of unadulterated BS that has been slung at Sarah Palin in the past four days is mind boggling, to say the least. And the fact that the Main Stream Media (MSM) are playing the part of the attack dog, all the while claiming objectivity, is just disgusting. My friends we are seeing the left at it’s best or at it’s worse, as the case may be.

Should the sexual morays of a 17 year old daughter be held against the mother? By the way, the age of consent in the State of Alaska happens to be 16, so Sarah had no legal grounds to stand on even if she had tried to stop the dirty deed.

The blogs that caused her daughters pregnancy to come front and center were nothing short of evil. To have made the insinuation that Sarah’s daughter was the actual mother of her youngest son went beyond the pale. And the fact that the MSM had picked up the rumors and were willing to spread them as truth shows the true biased nature of the beast.

Common sense would tell the average person, of average intelligence, that the odds of a 17 year old woman giving birth to a child with Downs Syndrome is next to impossible. Common sense should tell you that there may have been trained medical staff present in the birthing room who would have realized that the mother was actually a 17 year old and not the Governor of the State. But apparently, common sense is in short supply in the MSM and apparently in the Democrat Party to boot.

Hillary Gate:
Had Barrack selected Hillary as his running mate, you can bet your boots that the MSM would have reported that as surpassing the parting of the Red Sea in it’s magnificence. There would be no questioning her past, no one would remember the scandals of the Clinton era that she was involved in up to her neck. The White Water fiasco, the firing of the Whitehouse Travel Office, the questionable death of Vince Foster, the failed attempted hijacking of the National Health Care System, the collection of FBI files of people on her enemies list that turned up in her possession, renting the Lincoln bedroom out for political donations, the theft of Whitehouse property as she left for New York name just a few of the scandals that I can name right off of the top of my head.

Green Gate:

The claims of inexperience and lack of qualifications to hold the office just floor me. The Constitution lays out the qualifications to hold the office of President and Vice president as follows;

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

There are no other requirements to attain the office. The office of President should always be looked upon as an office that is attainable by an natural born citizen without a test of experience involved. It is arrogance at it’s grandest to attempt to apply requirements on Mrs. Palin’s run for office that have never been applied before in our history. Had the requirement of foreign policy experience been a requirement to assume the office we would have had to disqualify half of the Presidents in my lifetime. George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan and Jimmy Carter were all lowly Governors, ill-equipped to hold the office of President if you follow the current logic.

I am afraid that we have just seen the tip of this iceberg from hell and that the remaining weeks of the campaign will be full of mud slinging and dirty tricks the likes of which we have never before seen. Why the American public continues to go to the Main Stream Media for their news is beyond me. God endowed us all with the intelligence to look at the situation our country is in and make informed decisions as to the direction it is going. The problem lies in the fact that we are a nation of sheep, we will follow the herd right into the slaughter house without giving it a second thought. And what is really sad is that the wolves are leading the way, but that’s just my two pennies.

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