Saturday, July 12, 2008

Been a while...

It's been a while since I have posted, I keep telling myself that I am going to get on the ball and start paying more attention to keeping things current, oh well.
So here is what has been going on for the past few months....
We have had two family reunions since I last posted.
We went to Glen Rose, for the Hickey Reunion, and had a really good time. Our numbers were
down dramatically this year and it showed, but all in all it was a good time for all. We had some nifty shirts made up for our family to wear on Saturday and also had some more stuff made up to add to the raffle. Hopefully, next year, we will have a better turn out.

We went to my uncle Bob's house for the 4th of July and had the Renfro family reunion along with the 4th celebration. We had a really good turn out of almost 100 people. A ton of food was prepared and devoured. We burned up a few dollars worth of fireworks and had a real enjoyable evening. As the night was coming to an end and the last rockets were being lit, there was a huge explosion right in the middle of our viewing area. I got hit in the side of the face and chest with flying debris and when the initial shock wave subsided, there was a second burst which caught Joyce's shirt on fire and burned her leg. Come to find out, the next door neighbor decided that it would be cool to send two shells into the air at the same time and loaded the chute with two shots. The tube could not withstand the extra pressure and ruptured, causing the first shot to deploy only about 15 ft in the air while the second one made a bee line across his property towards our unsuspecting party goers. These shells contained a double action shot which had a time delay so the first impact was the big pretty burst that everyone oooohhhh's and awwww's at when it is in the sky and the second blast is the secondary blast that compliments the first. It is all good and well at 100 or so feet up, but 12 inches off of the ground is a completely different story. Thankfully Joyce's shirt took the brunt of the damage and no one was seriously injured. The lesson learned: follow directions on fireworks packaging! Hey, it's not really the 4th of July until someone gets to take a ride to the hospital in an ambulance, anyway.
I have been working on T-shirt designs that will work with a little screen printing system that I bought a few weeks back. Let me know what you think.

The boys of Planning Yesterday have been busy over the past few months with concerts, Battle of the Band competitions and studio time recording their first three songs. They are doing great and have begun to garnish a little attention from some Music Industry types. Things are looking good.
Jeromie left this morning for Camp Padre down at South Padre Island, with Providence. They are the drama team this year and will be busy for most of the next week. I bet they will have a great time down there.
Here I still sit, riding the pill bottle swimming in the haze. I don't know if things will ever change for the better, but with my families support I am able to tolerate where I am at right now.
Se la vie... until next time,

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