Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to Marty's 2 Pennies!

This is the place where I try to put my thoughts into some sort of form that the reader can understand. There are a lot of political issues that I feel are necessary for discussion, but this is not a "Political" blog. There are many religious topics that catch my attention that I want to share with the world, but this is not a "Religion" blog. There are times that I will write about other topics like working in my garden, or cooking or maybe even home repair, but this is not a "Home Making" blog. This blog is about my thoughts on all of these and many other issues and thoughts that I feel the need to put my two cents into the mix. I am sure that there will be many times that I ramble on and on, but I certainly hope that whatever I write will be thought provoking and entertaining. So, I welcome you to my little slice of madness and hope that you enjoy it.

Below, you will find a bunch of blogs that I have written over the years. You will also notice on the right hand side of the page, a listing that contains all of my pages in chronological order. I hope that you are able to have smooth sailing as you cruise my pages!

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